Attendees: Debora, Willem, Dieter
* Evaluation on AAI -> Daan made progress on the document which is planned to be finished after the Christmas break. Broader scope with respect to EOSC-hub. Still ongoing. Useful to have the feedbacks to be handover to EOSC future for further work.
* VCR: version 1.5.0, it added DOIs for virtual collections and usability improvements to the interface.
It will be promoted with a blog post and other material.
* VLO: some updates and more in the pipeline.
* Switchboard: update with user interface improvements and fine tuning of tools.
* Tools registred in the VLO are also harvested in the SSHOC marketplace. Pending syncronisation with the EOSC portal.
D7.5 - planning to have a draft ready by end of Feb for final revision.
Review 10th-11th May 2021
Another meeting will be planned when the AAI work will be completed and there will be inputs on the agenda for the final review.