Oct 18 – 22, 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The EGI-ACE Cloud and HTC providers

Oct 20, 2021, 12:00 PM
go.egi.eu/egi2021-1 (Zoom Room 1)


Zoom Room 1


Enol Fernandez (EGI.eu)


EGI-ACE federates together a distributed set of 16 hosting centres that bring compute and storage capacity for data processing, hosting research data and tools and scale up data analytics environments, scientific gateways and other added value services. Over the 30 months of the project, the hosting sites will provide more than 82 M CPU hours and 250 K GPU hours, as well as 45 PB/month through the Cloud Compute (IaaS) and High Throughput Compute services of the EGI portfolio. They will support EGI-ACE platforms and data spaces and those users coming from the use cases calls of the project and the EOSC portal. Alongside with the baseline computing and storage infrastructure, a set of enabling components support the Cloud Compute service: AppDB, for resource discovery and software catalogue; Dynamic DNS, for user-managed DNS provision of domain names for VMs and services running on the e-Infrastructure; and Infrastructure Manager (IM) , for the basic orchestration of IaaS resources. This presentation will provide an overview of the hosting centres and the enabling services. It will also showcase the main use cases supported in the infrastructure and the current usage of the available resources from the project.

Speaker bio: Enol is Cloud Solutions Manager at the EGI Foundation working on the definition of the EGI Cloud federation architecture and its innovation roadmap. He also supports the EGI Community Team in the co-design and implementation of solutions for meeting the computing requirements of their research platforms and applications. Previously, he worked in the User Community Support Team of EGI and as middleware developer and providing support to user communities at UAB and CSIC in the context of distributed computing European projects. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Universitat Autòmoma de Barcelona and a Computing Engineering Degree from Universidad de La Laguna.

Most suitable track Delivering services and solutions

Primary author

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