18–22 Oct 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

EOSC Future session/ presentation

Not scheduled
1h 15m


Session/Workshop EOSC EOSC - Workshop


Speakers will be specified once available


The aim and plan for the session at the EGI Conference 2021 is to have a workshop focusing on ongoing and upcoming EOSC Future activities. Depending on whether there will be an EOSC specific session, the project members will decide whether it will be a long presentation (25 mins) or whether a dedicated workshop will be organised. As EGI, in particular through the EGI-ACE project, has collaborative efforts with the EOSC Future project, the importance of including an EOSC Future related presentation/workshop will be highly valuable for the audience of the conference.

Further information on the session and specifications will be provided by the relevant colleagues from EGI once they return from holidays.

EOSC Future

Through co-design with scientists and stakeholders, EOSC Future will establish a trusted platform with open and FAIR data, resources and services for all scientific disciplines. The platform will also seamlessly integrate existing data and services from science communities, research infrastructures and e-infrastructures. Via a single sign-on system, European researchers will thus have access to interoperable resources and support to manage the full lifecycle of their data.

The platform will support diverse scientific workflows with services that facilitate such workflows and that help users discover, manage, process and analyse data.

Most suitable track Collaborating across boundaries

Primary authors

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.