Oct 18 – 22, 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Collaboration accross Boundaries - Workshop

Oct 20, 2021, 11:15 AM



Collaboration accross Boundaries - Workshop: Data Spaces and Data Ecosystems in Practice

  • Andrea Manzi (EGI.eu)
  • Mark Dietrich (EGI.eu)


Terms such as "data ecosystem" and "data space" are being used more and more in business and by policymakers, but it is unclear how these terms relate to the research world, where data sharing and exchange, and creating open data, are common objectives of most research projects. This session will define data ecosystems and data spaces by their key characteristics and explore the data exchange approaches being used in several international research communities. The session will explore how these research data initiatives map to the "data spaces" that have been proposed by the European Commission in a number of sectors and identify key challenges for the research community in responding to EC funding calls for the creation of data spaces.

• IS-ENES (climate modelling data)
• GBIF (biodiversity data)
• SeaDataNet (ocean and marine data)

Presentation materials

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