Oct 18 – 22, 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Delivering Services and Solutions - Workshop

Oct 21, 2021, 11:15 AM



Delivering Services and Solutions - Workshop: EGI-ACE Federated data access services

  • Andrea Manzi (EGI.eu)


The session will describe the different services available in EGI-ACE for Federated Data access, including the detailed roadmap for each service and achievements.
The session will be chaired by Andrea Manzi (EGI Foundation), with contributions from the different service responsibles from UKRI-STFC, Cyfronet, Enhance-R.
The session will include an example of data space in EGI-ACE (Prominence) which is integrating the Federated data access services in EGI-ACE

Presentation materials

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Andrea Manzi (EGI.eu)
10/21/21, 11:15 AM
Presentation short (15 min)
Lukasz Dutka (CYFRONET)
10/21/21, 11:25 AM
Rose Cooper (URKI-STFC)
10/21/21, 11:38 AM
Tim Noble (STFC)
10/21/21, 11:51 AM
Priyasma Bhoumik
10/21/21, 12:04 PM
Jose Caballero Bejar (STFC)
10/21/21, 12:17 PM
Andrew Lahiff (CCFE / UK Atomic Energy Authority)
10/21/21, 12:30 PM
Andrea Manzi (EGI.eu)
Presentation short (15 min)
Building timetable...