Michele: Stefan fixed configuration problems, now packages are published correclty on the artifacto repository at Sara. Problems mentioned during last meeting were mostly solved, only thing: we still missing the old release versions, we need to check fi this would be possible from github Also need to check the old release tags from the master branch in the gitlab. Michele is still worknig also on the cineca-b2safe configuration and on the Amazon S3 iRODS plugin, for the S3 plugin some issue when building the component via CI/CD on the gitlab (seems tests fail due to irods icat unrechable) Beatriz: finally we have new version running, the instructions were not good described, now writing a new readme to be used. I got this installation running now, I had also problems using irods user respects to unix account. Now trying to put things together with Julia staff, so now I have new problems and don't know were they come from, anyway we had easter holidays and this took just 3 days. I have to improve also my git skills, now want to put all in the b2share branch. Than mix first with devel branch and than if it works than to master. Michele asks also please to add test suite scripts so to understand everything runs up clearly during the build and after installation. Robert: nothing new to report, also we had a replacement for our production servers and than easter holidays. For Combiomed we had some performance measurements, very small size file were used, 1GB and bigger we have to use now. Comment from Beatriz, now we have some old release tag in the gitlab we hae to check from where it came from. old releases: https://gitlab.eudat.eu/b2safe/B2SAFE-core/-/tree/release-3.0 22th April next telco same time 12:00