============================================ TF Federated Clouds conference call - Agenda ============================================ 18 Oct 2011 1) Welcome and administrativa (Matteo, 15 mins) - Roll call & apologies - Actions review 2) Policy issues in Federated Clouds (all, 25 mins) - Federated AAI -- X.509 based? -- full SSO based (each institute has its own IdP?) -- Turn EGI SSO into first (test) IdP? (--> CESNET) - VM Management interface -- OCCI? Inventory of available APIs? -- Hypervisor independence - Cloud provider business decision? - Security Audit -- VM Image audit - a Cloud provider policy? - Resource availability access policies 3) Work group scenario 1 progress report (M. Drescher, 10 mins) 2.1 Round table reports: a) FZJ b) CESNET c) CloudSigma d) Cyfronet e) GWDG f) Oxford g) SARA h) TCD i) KTH j) WeNMR Round table reports should *each* indicate: - Status Cloud (for providers only) & downtime announcements - Status user account provisioning - Status and technology authentication, authorisation -- Which technology? -- Standards supported? - Status VM management tests - VM Management tools & interfaces used -- Web UI -- API commands and style (REST, SOAP etc) -- Standards used? 4) Work group scenario 2 report & planning (M. Higgins, 10 mins) --> M. Higgins to add details 5) AOB 5.1 Integrated Information Systems workshop - request for input --> see invitation on the Mailing List