19–23 Sept 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

FedCloud client: the powerful client for EGI Federated Cloud

21 Sept 2022, 14:20
Quartz (Vienna Andel Prague)


Vienna Andel Prague

Lightning Talk 8 mins A Federated Compute Continuum EGI-ACE Lightning Talks: Technologies for a Compute Continuum


Viet Tran (IISAS)


EGI Federated Cloud consisted of many different OpenStack sites from different organizations. In the past, users are often advised to access the IaaS services via the official endpoints of the sites. It is desired to have a universal client tool that can operate with all sites in the federation.

The FedCloud client is a high-level Python package for a command-line client designed for interaction with the OpenStack services in the EGI infrastructure. The client can access various EGI services and can perform many tasks for users including managing access tokens, listing services, and mainly execute commands on OpenStack sites in EGI infrastructure.

Although using OpenStack client as the backend, the FedCloud client uses high-level abstractions of the federation: site and VO names as the main inputs for most of operations. From the view of users, site/VO names are much more friendly and memorable than site endpoints and project IDs in OpenStack commands. Furthermore, FedCloud client can perform federation-wide operations, e.g. listing all VMs in a VO on all sites.

The FedCloud client can be considered at the shell for EGI Federated Cloud. It is designed to be used in scripts for automation or called directly from Python codes. With native support for JSON format, the outputs from the clients can be processed easily in scripts that enables developing powerful tools like listing all owned VMs in simple way.

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Topic A Federated Compute Continuum

Primary author

Viet Tran (IISAS)

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