Sep 19 – 23, 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Unified access to multiple clouds and HPC clusters

Sep 22, 2022, 12:35 PM


Demonstration EOSC Compute Platform Demonstrations


Andrew Lahiff (CCFE / UK Atomic Energy Authority)


The PROMINENCE platform, originally developed in the Fusion Science Demonstrator in EOSCpilot and extended in the Fusion Competence Centre in EOSC-Hub, was designed to allow users to transparently run batch workloads on clouds. All infrastructure provisioning and failure handling is fully automated and is totally invisible to users. Any number of clouds can be used simultaneously and opportunistic usage of idle resources is supported, allowing usage of clouds to be maximised and users to gain access to additional resources.

In EGI-ACE PROMINENCE has been extended to support traditional HPC clusters as a backend in addition to clouds, enabling users to leverage an even wider range of resources. This is particularly important to some communities, such as the fusion energy research community, where access to HPC clusters is more prevalent than clouds.

Here we will demonstrate running both HTC and true HPC jobs using PROMINENCE, in addition to running hybrid workflows which make use of both cloud and HPC resources.

Topic EOSC Compute Platform

Primary author

Andrew Lahiff (CCFE / UK Atomic Energy Authority)

Presentation materials