19–23 Sept 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

FAIR EVA: Evaluator, Validator & Advisor

21 Sept 2022, 10:35
Ruby III

Ruby III

Demonstration Data Spaces Demonstrations


Fernando Aguilar (CSIC)


FAIR EVA (Evaluator, Validator and Advisor) has been developed to check the FAIRness level of digital objects from different repositories or data portals. Developed within the EOSC-Synergy project it aims at helping data producers and data managers to evaluate the adoption of the FAIR principles based on the Research Data Alliance indicators, although the architecture is capable of adapting to new indicators. It requires the object identifier and the repository to check and it can be adapted to different contexts and environments. This demo will present the tool itself, how it can be deployed, how the different tests works and how it can be adapted to different data systems using the plugin system.

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Topic Data Spaces

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Presentation materials