============================================ TF Federated Clouds conference call - Agenda ============================================ 1 Nov 2011 1) Welcome and administrativa - Roll call & apologies - Actions review 2) X.509 based AAI roadmap - X.509 CA store (EGI Repository) - Authorisation infrastructure (Providers): Argus? Other? - VO support (User Communities): VOMS? 3) Scenario 1 - Matrix of testing: . API access . Web interface access . start, stop, suspend operations . allocate resources - Testing according to API interface . OCCI . JClouds . EC2 - Test AAI 4) Scenario 2, 4, 5, 6 kickstart - Administrativa - Collect use cases & requirements (SBrewer) - timeline for execution - Reporting - Blogging 5) Information Discovery workshop. Amsterdam, December 1st 6) F2F organisation 7) AOB