Baptiste Grenier
Sven Gabriel
10/15/24, 9:00 AM
- News or events on EGI since the last F2F.
- EGI Council approved the service provisioning proposal
- New OLA for Security Coordination (Apr 2024 - Dec 2026) ->
- EGI Core Services Perfomance report January 2024 - June 2024 ->
- New SURF...
Daniel Kouril
10/15/24, 9:20 AM
Present the work done during the last months and the status of the project.
Pau Cutrina Vilalta
10/15/24, 10:20 AM
Discuss how non responsive/unreachable sites should be tracked in coordination with EGI Ops.
Matt Doidge
(Lancaster University)
10/15/24, 11:00 AM
Linda Cornwall
10/15/24, 11:40 AM
15 minute presentation on what we do and ideas, plus 15 mins + discussion
Status of James Acris on actively sharing the work.
Pau Cutrina Vilalta
10/15/24, 2:30 PM
- Presentation of SICURA-LAC and the possible collaborations that have been demonstrated with others such as LAC4.
- What can we learn from the community that could be useful for EGI? i.e. experience with pDNSSOC, trainings, ...
Jose Carlos Luna
Pau Cutrina Vilalta
10/15/24, 2:40 PM
- Frequent call with VO representatives:
- It could be a short call every three months (about 30 minutes) where incidents are presented, along with security news, followed by a presentation or discussion on a relevant topic, and concluding with a Q&A or feedback session. - VOs security policies and procedures:
- CMS has developed a "User Account Suspension Policy/Procedure."...
Barbara Krasovec
10/15/24, 4:00 PM
(EGI webinar, tCSC, EGI Conference etc.) - what are we planning?
Barbara Krasovec
Pau Cutrina Vilalta
10/16/24, 9:00 AM
- Review of the policy.
- Initiatives to improve compliance.
Jose Carlos Luna
Pau Cutrina Vilalta
10/16/24, 9:45 AM
- Technical training and tool demonstrations.
- Incident response exercises.
- Define the scope, small sites vs mature admins
Pau Cutrina Vilalta
10/16/24, 4:00 PM
- Show the actions pending of completition in Jira.
- List all the actions that have been noted during the F2F discussions and create actionable tasks.