EGI Information Discovery for ARC Resource Centres



- Assessment of status: worksrounds for pubishing static/dynamic information into top-BDII - use cases - requirements - conclusions
Instructions to join via EVO

T. Ferrari/, P. Solagna/, S. Maffioletti/NGI_CH, V. Hansper/NGI_NDGF

T. Ferrari presents the operational requirements for service and information discovery (see slides attached to the agenda)

NGI_CH: Status
About 100% of the resources provided by NGI_CH is currently supporting HEP. NGI_CH hosts a T2 (both gLite and ARC) and 3 T3 stes of which two deploy ARC and the third only provides a SE interface
CMS and LHCb are using gLite, while ATLAS ARC resources

ATLAS worksflows are submitted through a control tower submission engine (submitting to ARC) which submits to a statist list of CE interfaces.

In NGI_CH services are alo registered in a central registry service (GLOBUS GIIS), where only minimal information is available about the end-point. Detailed information is extracted through direct queries to the end-pont themselves.

For access to SE interfaces the situation is completely different, as the BDII infrastructure is used (site-BDII and top-BDII), the information system is used for the resolution of SRM end points.

REQUIREMENT. the adoption of two hortogonal approaches for storage and computing is extra workload for administrators of sites.

REQUIREMENT. NGI_CH requires unification of the information system for ARC and gLite resources to support NGI_CH operations processes.

ACTION. Sergio to provide a docuent listing the NGI_CH use cases for a unified information discovery service

NDGF is using a modified mechanism to publish into top-BDII: the ARC info sys publishes into a site-BDII (which also works as top-BDII for the region), which in turns publshes to the top-BDII at CERN.
This solution however is not sustainable and cannot be easily adopted by other NGIs.

ACTION. Vera to provide detailed technical documentation on this solution.
ACTION. Vera to provide a docuent listing the NGI_CH use cases for a unified information discovery service

T. Ferrari: WLCG is reviewing the approach of the experiment to middleware, to introduce unification and harmonization. Usage of BDII is in the agenda of the Workload Management TEG (a representative will participate to the December workshop).

Ulf, Andres, Mats will participate to the workshop. NGI_CH will bring requirements. A unified requirements document will be produced and circulated to the OMB list for further discussion.

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