Minutes for MS407 kickoff meeting https://www.egi.eu/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=95 Attendees: Michaela Lechner Claire Devereux Mario David Michael Gronager + (part of the time: an unidentified phone bridge user) In advance: -------------------- Message from Claire Devereux: "The UK potentially would like to contribute to the Integrating Resources deliverable. We already have heterogeneous resources on the NGS grid and we envisage that others may come along as the ESRFI UK projects become more established, and these especially would want linking into EGI. Unfortunately the people best placed to contribute to the meeting aren’t available today but I said I’d listen in and relay any comments back to them if that’s OK." Agenda: --------------------------- Michaela presents the first point in the Agenda, her own and Marios ideas about what should go in the milestone. Two main sections: one for the operational tools, one for the procedures and policies. Question on how to sort the first part: by MW or by operational tool or in another way? Claire: as it is structured now it concentrates around the operation tools. Mario: two main sections for the operational tools part: * interoperation at the level of infrastructure, middlware stacks gocdb, accounting, critical tests,... different components of different middleware stacks. * level of interoperation level between operational stacks, we have sites which can have both components, sites with UNICORE and ARC middleware stacks. things that we know or require from the middleware stacks or from interoperability point of view Michael: according to MS description the first section is the important one, the second one maybe out of scope. We could push that second part to the EMI. Mario: they will bounce back and say: what do you want? It is best to get this from the NGI sites, what do they want from their point of view from different mw stacks? EMI are always asking what we want, we have to provide a different proposal of what we want, this should essentially come from the NGIs and the sites. Michaela: ok, let's concentrate so far most on the first part, the interoperation at the level of the infrastructure. We will see if we can write something for the second part. Order by operational tool? Mario: yes, and then in each section the MW (Common agreement on that) Going through each operational tool: GOCDB: Mario: easiest for them to have whatever components we ask them Nagios: probes and definition of critical tests Accounting Operational dashboard 3rd level support in GGUS Mario: Operational dashboard possibly a subpoint of Nagios Claire: I think that the first section – tools and middleware – would benefit from a very simple table at the start outlining the current status of each at the start. You could have tools down one side and mw across the top with a quick summary (traffic light, ticks and crosses etc) in each cell. I think it would help set the scene before the descriptions that would follow. Michaela: Going to the second big section: policies and procedures. Possibly mainly defined between me and Vera Hansper, when she comes back from vaction. Ideas so far: Going out from NGI integration procedure, one point about availability and reliability. Mario: Security should definitely enter in the policy section. A few weeks ago: Elisa Heymann and Guiseppe giuseppe.misurelli@cnaf.infn.it made an evaluation from a security point of view for the middleware. Michaela: Good point, we could use the old ROD operations manual as a guideline for the topics also with the different operational tools,so we don't miss anything. There security is the big section in the end. Michaela: Next point after fixing and agreeing on the structure, we need some contact points for the input. GOCDB: Gilles, CC john gordon ARC: Michael: I send you the interopeability roadmap for EGEEIII for NDGF ARC path and the according paper ("Towards Sustainability: An Interoperability Outline for a Regional ARC based infrastructure in the WLCG and EGEE infrastructures", Journal of Physics). Most is still valid. Daniel Johansson, Josva Kleist and me produced it and we are the contact points. Unicore: Michael: Daniel Mallmann as a UNICORE interopability person, Michaela: additonally Morris Riedel and the developpers Globus: Alex Papaspyrou, (Helmut Heller, http://www.ige-project.eu/contact.html ) gLite: Mario: will contact them, keep Michaela CCed in communication Operational Portal: Cyril, mail adress still cic-information@in2p3.fr ? Nagios: ask Daniele Cesini about who should be best contacted for the Operational Tools 3rd level support in GGUS: Torsten Antoni Accounting: John gordon 2) EGI TF sessions --------------------- Michaela: HPC- HTC session agenda basically under controll, time issues with SAGA and EUFORIA talks due to parallel events, maybe we will have to ask for more talks. Gridops Interoperations session: Overview, Cyril on EGI operations portal, Procedures and Policies by Vera, eventually EUFORIA here, Michael status update for the ARC talk? Michael: depends on what you want, future plans best by Balasz or Oxana, but maybe fuzzy. Daniel or Josva for a status quo talk, Josva back after next week. Michaela: better status quo then with details on current integration (nagios,..) Accounting session: will contact John Gordon to find out the status of the session. SW rollout session: Mario: session: Overvies and how we are doing things now in the beginning, break up the rest in two main parts: developper point of view, and EA point of view. michaela: time might be getting critical. Shall we additonally write a newsletter invitation (deadline Agusut 5th) or just contact contirbutors directly? mario: EAs. I'll get presentation from them. developpers: EMI people at least. I'll send invitaitons by latest tomorrow. Newsletter: first entering summary of objective, main goal of section and contact developpers Michaela: Rest of communication so far via email, will see if another teleconf is needed. AOB ------------------ no AOB (sound quality got worse) Action Points: ---------------------- Michaela: write TOC and upload it (+ add link to it in wiki) and contact everybody for the Operational tools and MW (including Eliza for Security suggestions and Vera when she comes back from vaction. Michaela: session summary for session, write newsletter entry for a nice call, contact Josva and Daniel Johansson about a status quo talk on ARC integration. contact John Gordon about status of Accounting session. Mario: contact gLite contactpoints and CC Michaela, write session summary, and invite contributors to SW rollout session Michael: has already sent all promised documents and contact points. Michaela will try to integrate them directly in the first draft after the TOC.