Pavel Fibich will chair the session with support from Amsterdam by Gergely Sipos and Richard McLennan.
Standing Agenda:
1. Welcome and acknowledge all participants - Apologies received - note absent members
2. Introduction by Chair (if required)
3. Acceptance of Minutes of previous meeting (see notes in previous Indico meeting).
4. Review of assigned Actions (nil)
5. Presentation by designated nation representative(s): 14 Nov - Pavel Fibich for CZ; 21 Nov - David Wallom for GB
6. Emerging Issues
- discuss standard format for future presentations: what key points must be covered, length of talk etc.
- discuss roadmap for work and VT outputs; key achievements against planned dates.
7. AOB The meetings will be run as teleconferences using Webex.
Experience shows that Webex works most reliably via a Windows PC.
Connection is via the link beneath and will remain the same for every week's teleconference (so please make a note of these details in your diaries). Once the Webex window opens, click on "join" for the VT Elixir meeting.
Brief notes on Meeting of 14 Nov:
Participation – shown in the attached spread sheet.
1. Andrew Lyall reminded all that the Project ELIXIR Board has 2 voting representatives from each of the 13 nations that have signed an MoU with the project. There are a further 40 or so non-voting ‘observers’ on the Board. Details of these representatives can be found at
2. VT reps were advised to contact their national ELIXIR Project representative so that both parties (ie the Project and the VT)can become aware of each other and collaborate effectively. (Action 3.1: All)
3. It was also agreed that Prof Søren Brunak of the Technical University of Denmark (who is the Chair of the Interim Board) should be formally notified of the existence and purpose of this VT. (Action 3.2: VT leader to draft letter to Prof Søren Brunak for signature by Director
4. The schedule for 7 individual presentations by national representatives of the VT spans 13 weeks. The VT members were asked to revisit the Doodle poll ( to try to bring the late presentations (Italy and France) forwards. At this stage, the sessions of 5 and 19 Dec are empty. (Action 3.3: all future VT presenters).
5. David Wallom asked members to comment and advise on the ELIXIR applications models in their own nations/professional areas that could be tuned to use the Infrastructure [EGI's]; equally, how would the EGI need to change in order to better support ELIXIR applications? (Action 3.4: All VT national representatives).