23 September 2010
1. Roll Call
2. Minutes approval
* Task Leaders' F2F minutes approval http://bit.ly/aTRI8K
2. SW release cycle process
* TSA2.2 - develop and select QC for the Nagios release
* TSA2.3 - report template for QC verification
* TSA2.4 - ensure RT fitness for tests in mid October
* JRA1 - develop report template for EA to use for feedback
3. Task report reviews
4. AOB
Roll Call
- Enol
- Michael
- Kostas
- Michel
- Carlos
- Ales
Minutes Approval
- SA2 Task Leader's meeting (13 Sep 2010) Minues approved
SW release cycle process
- plan is in Wiki
- discuss with Torsten Antoni to integrate GGUS with RT
- SW provider to open ticket in GGUS for new release
- synched with RT ticket in new SE-rel channel
- Tickets are experientially synched already
- mailing with Daniele about what JRA1 is providing in the Nagios release
- next step to write criteria (and synch with Daniele
- AI for Enol to put the QC on the Wiki under the page (or a link) starting at Kosta's page
- work on the template has started
- template (work in progress) is published to the SA2 ML
- AI to Michel to put the template on the Wiki
- Kostas requests feedback from Michel on the workflow in the Wiki
- Kostas wonders whether the StageRollout workflow should be kept within the SW rollout workflow
- Keeping it out would help aggregating the EA responses to one single consolidated response from the SR team (SA1, Mario David) fed back into the Rollout workflow.
- Kostas raises the question on how much information should be fed back to the SW providers
- Full disclosure of the RT ticket to the providers, or just a subset
- the Link between RT and GGUS may provide filtering possibilities
- Ales: links are almost arbitrary through integration via Web Service interface
- AI: Ales to put the technical info (by Milos Liska) on the Wiki page
- Weekly report dates are agreed to change to every Tuesday evening, to be fed into the weekly AMB conference on Wednesdays.
Action Items
- AI-0001: Enol to put the QC on the Wiki under the page (or a link) starting at Kosta's page [NSRW Wiki page http://bit.ly/d15Zgt]
- AI-0002: Michel to put the template on the Wiki
- AI-0003: Ales to put the technical info (by Milos Liska) on the Wiki page
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