Paper Session 2
- Peter Kacsuk (MTA SZTAKI)
Heorhiy Byelas
(University Medical Center Groningen)
03/06/2013, 16:00
Life sciences have moved rapidly into ‘big data’ thanks to new parallel methods for gene expression, genome-wide association, proteomics and whole genome DNA sequencing. The scale of these methods is growing faster than predicted by Moore’s law.
This has introduced new challenges and needs for methods for specifying computation protocols for e.g. Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) and...
Shayan Shahand
(Academic Medical Center of University of Amsterdam)
03/06/2013, 16:25
Science gateways provide user interfaces and high-level services to access and manage applications and data collections on distributed resources. They facilitate users to perform data analysis on distributed computing infrastructures (DCIs) without getting involved into the technical details. The e-BioInfra Gateway is a science gateway for biomedical data analysis on a national grid...
Sonja Herres-Pawlis
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
03/06/2013, 17:15
Quantum chemical workflows can be built up within the science gateway MoSGrid (Molecular Simulation Grid). Complex workflows required by the endusers are dissected into smaller workflows which can be combined freely to larger meta-workflows. General quantum chemical workflows are described here as well as the real use case of a spectroscopic analysis resulting in an enduser desired...