16–19 Sept 2013
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone

Federating Clouds in OpenStack

16 Sept 2013, 09:00
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid

Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid

Demonstration EGI Demo Booth 3


Enol Fernandez (CSIC)

Printable Summary

The IberCloud project aims to the deployment of a federated cloud IaaS testbed for scientific computing within the Ibergrid collaboration. Spain and Portugal have agreed on a set of services for federated authentication based on LDAP
that is able to provide a single identity across the cloud resource providers. In this demo we show a working web dashboard that allows users to access various OpenStack cloud resource providers with a single identity.

Description of Work

Ibercloud is a initiative by the Ibergrid collaboration that aims to create a federated IaaS testbed for science. The iberian NGIs have agreed on a set of services for federated authentication based on LDAP that is able to provide a single identity across the cloud resource providers. In this work we present the extensions developed for OpenStack for the integration of external LDAP as an additional authentication mechanism, and the access to different resource centers from a single web dashboard.
A single web interface to a set of resource providers simplifies the users experience when using federated cloud resources. With this web portal users can use a single identity (and do not need to re-login for each site) and they do not need to use command line interfaces.
The project is also exploring the use of SAML based authentication to leverage the institutional authentication systems already in place.
This collaboration is being extended to centers in France.

Primary author

Enol Fernandez (CSIC)

Presentation materials

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