Sep 16 – 19, 2013
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone

Pilot Initiative for a Scientific Cloud (PISC)

Sep 16, 2013, 9:00 AM
8h 30m
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid

Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid


Emanouil Atanassov (IICT-BAS)

Description of Work

The main objective of the PISC project is to build a pilot platform as a service for scientific applications, with the next subobjectives:
- Analyse the state-of-the-art in Scientific Clouds and make proposals for improvement
- Offer a reliable platform for deploying scientific applications and a software stack to be re-used in installation beyond the partner ones
- Demonstrate the usability and the benefits of Scientific Clouds by proof-of-concept applications
The expected results include recommendations for the scientific community and stakeholders in what concerns federation of clouds, data management, e-Gov and e-Science services; enhanced open-source deployable platform as a service with special services to support scientific applications; applications which prove the feasibility Scientific cloud usage; knowledge and skills improvement through dissemination and collaboration activities.

Printable Summary

The PISC project intends to provide an open-source and deployable platform as a service for scientific applications. An existing open-source platform developed recently by the coordinator team will be enhanced with special services for data management and workflows. User requirements will be provided to finalize the services of the proposed e-infrastructure. These applications are expected to underline the advantages of scientific clouds over traditional e-infrastructures. The multi-national team will provide a set of recommendations for the research communities and stakeholders in what concerns the Scientific Clouds usage. A training to acquire proper skills in using Cloud computing is foreseen at the beginning of the project, while a workshop on the Scientific Clouds and a training on Cloud-based applications will be organized at the end of the project. The events will be focused on acquiring skills and promoting the activities of the research communities from South-Eastern Europe.

Primary author

Emanouil Atanassov (IICT-BAS)


Dr Alexandru Colesnicov (IMI ASM) Dana PETCU (UVDT) Dr Theodora Varvarigou (ICCS/NTUA)

Presentation materials

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