16–19 Sept 2013
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone

Future of Clouds? Accreditation and building the trust.

16 Sept 2013, 09:00
8h 30m
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid

Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid


Dr Robert Lovas (MTA SZTAKI)

Description of Work

The concept behind the above described cloud accreditation service, the major steps of the accreditation process, and some important details concerning the evaluation of individual cloud features have been successfully elaborated. From technology point of view; the generic framework for modules (used by the evaluation processes) has been defined and implemented, and some of its modules have been prototyped.

Relevant URL (if any)


Printable Summary

The penetration of public cloud services can be considered still low among SMEs and research organizations (e.g. biotech sector) despite their elastic functionalities and cost benefits offered by the various cloud providers. In order to narrow the gap between the two sides, a feasible way is to introduce widely adopted certification methodologies of cloud providers that could build the trust further. Such certification might be quite complex due to the nature of cloud providers; IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS solutions target different client bases with numerous applied technologies. Moreover, we become the witnesses of the emergence of federated cloud providers, e.g. EGI Cloud Federation or Uber-Cloud experiment. Testing, validation, and benchmarking of such complex systems and defining the metrics/methods for the certification are non-trivial problems particularly in a way that interpretable by the client, and acceptable by the providers at the same time. Another key issue is to achieve the critical mass of certified providers, and enough visibility/acceptance among the potential clients.

With the main aim to elaborate a cloud accreditation service for IaaS providers, a research and development project (http://ant.hu/en/r-and-d/cloud-development-accreditation-processes-and-center) has been recently launched by a Hungarian consortium co-financed by the Research and Technology Innovation Fund. The project involves partners from the Hungarian NGI and two ICT companies; Advanced Network Technologies Ltd. (coordinator), Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI), Óbuda University, and eNET Internet Research Ltd., a key research and consultancy firm in the Hungarian infocommunications sector with significant experience in the cloud development and market entry of services.

The poster outlines the current status of the R&D activities in the project; the main concept, the applied core mechanisms, and the ideas to be further elaborated.

Primary authors

Dr Robert Lovas (MTA SZTAKI) Sandor Acs (MTA SZTAKI) Zsolt Nemeth (MTA SZTAKI)

Presentation materials

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