16–19 Sept 2013
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone

WRF4SG: SCI-BUS gateway for meteorological research community

16 Sept 2013, 09:00
8h 30m
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid

Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid


Carlos Blanco (University of Cantabria)

Relevant URL (if any)


Printable Summary

A numerical weather prediction models are computer programs that produce meteorological information for future times at a given region. One of these models is the well-known Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model which is wide-spread adopted by the target domain climate community. Unfortunately, configuring and running climate models such as WRF is a very complicated process. Due to that, the Santander Meteorology Group has developed a scientific gateway called WRF4SG in order to automatically manage WRF climate experiments by means of an execution, monitoring and data management providing time-saving features to the climate community.

This work is partially funded by the SPN de I+D+i 2008-2011 (WRF4G, Ref.# CGL2011-28864) and the ERDF.

Description of Work

WRF for Scientific Gateway (WRF4SG) project is part of the SCI-BUS initiative which offers user communities the possibility to create specific gateways based on the WS-PGRADE/gUSE framework. In our case, the aim of the WRF4SG is to allow meteorological research community to reach complex climate experiments, as well as easing the access to DCIs. Therefore, the main goal of WRF4SG is to reduce the barriers that the state-of-the-art meteorological tools create to users. In order to do that, the gateway provides advanced meteorological tools to configure, manage, launch and monitor WRF experiments over grid infrastructures.

Primary author

Carlos Blanco (University of Cantabria)


Dr Antono S. Cofiño (Universidad de Cantabria) Mrs Valvanuz Fernandez Quiruelas (University of Cantabria, Spain)

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