Hands on setting up a NGI Security Service Challenge EGI-TF 2013

Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid

Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid

Target Audience:
NGI / Site Security Officers

During this workshop we will get NGI Security Officers ready to run a SSC in their NGI using the SSC Framework.
During the workshop you will:
  • submit "training malware" to sites in your NGI and monitor the activity of the malware in the SSC-web-app (using glite job-submission)
  • Use the SSC RT-IR instance to communicate to the relevant entities.
  • monitor the ban status of the used certificate (you have to be able to ban the used ID to fully check this functionality

What to bring / prepare:
  • Own Laptop with VMwarePlayer or VirtualBox installed.
  • Usercertificate registered with the local VO used in the NGI-SSC
  • A list of sites to be challenged in the NGI-SSC, this list can still be changed later. It might be usefull to put your home institute/site here for debugging/testing purposes.
Further information:


Please use the link below to register for this training. There is a maximum of 18 participants. Once this number has been filled, any additional applicants will be waitlisted.
    • 16:00 17:30
      Hands-on training