19–22 May 2014
Helsinki University, Main Building, Helsinki, Finland
Europe/Madrid timezone

An OpenStack based IaaS installation for providing high quality services for scientific applications in the contest of EGI federated cloud task force

Not scheduled
Helsinki University, Main Building, Helsinki, Finland

Helsinki University, Main Building, Helsinki, Finland



Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN)

Description of content and intended audience</br>- the outcome you expect to achieve.<br/>


Printable summary: this is the only </br> section of the abstract that will <br/>be published in the Book of Abstracts.

A highly customized deployment of the OpenStack platform, implemented within PRISMA, a project founded by the Italian Ministers of Instruction and Economic Development. This project aims at providing an open source cloud solution that can be easily used from both SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) and Local Public Administration. Within this activity, we have carried detailed tests, to provide optimal solutions in terms of back-end storage, High Availability configuration, Object Storage performance.
In particular we focus, also, on the provisioning of critical and CPU intensive services to support diverse scientific communities (Bioinformatics, Biomedicine, Astrophysics, etc) and different use-cases (Data Preservation, Seismic Risk, e-Government, etc) in the context of the EGI Federated Cloud Task force.

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