13 March 2014
Physics Faculty, University of Barcelona
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Towards H2020

13 Mar 2014, 17:00
Sala de Juntes (Physics Faculty, University of Barcelona)

Sala de Juntes

Physics Faculty, University of Barcelona

Martí i Franques 1 08028 Barcelona


  1. Fast Presentation round
  2. Explanation of the main idea of the proposal:
    Viability (H2020) and sustaintability (beyond H2020)
    Developing: DIRAC VRE commonity, VRE specific, other VRE
    Training and outreach
    Business planning
  3. Expresion of interest in contribution
  4. Work Plan proposal from spanish potential partnership:
  5. Consensus of the Working Packages and Activities
  6. Matrix of potential contributors and activities

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
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