InSPIRE-JRA1 phone conf



Title: InSPIRE-JRA1 Description: JRA1 Periodic Phone Community: EGI Meeting Access Information: - Meeting URL (enter as Guest and insert your name)
    • 14:30 14:40
      Milestones & Deliverable 10m MS711 - Completed: D7.4 - External Review:
      Speaker: Diego Scardaci (INFN)
    • 14:40 14:50
      Coordination of the operational tool developement after JRA1 10m
      - new board to be settled to coordinate the operational tool developments after JRA1 (starting in May 2014) - each operational tool has to be represented - monthly meeting
      Speaker: Diego Scardaci (INFN)
    • 14:50 15:00
      Operational Tools at EGICF 2014 10m
      - Monday 19/05 15:00 - Tools for operating Research Infrastructures GOCDB GOCDB - EUDAT experiences VAPOR e-GRANT - Monday 19/05 16:30 - Advancing accounting services for users - Thursday 22/05 11:00 - Monitoring Availability & Reliability in EGI-InSPIRE and beyond
      Speaker: Diego Scardaci (INFN)
    • 15:00 15:30
      Action Review 30m
      Speaker: Diego Scardaci (INFN)
    • 15:30 16:00
      GOCDB - New role type request for ‘Site Monitor’ and new fields for IPv6 30m
      Speaker: david meredith (STFC)
    • 16:00 16:45
      Status update and Requirements Analysis 45m
      - SAM (Marian Babik) - GOCDB (David Meredith) - GGUS (Guenter Grein and Helmut Dres) - OPS Portal (Cyril Lorphelin) - Accounting Repository (John Gordon and Stuart Pullinger) - Applications Accounting (Henning Perl) - Accounting and Metric Portals (Iván Díaz Álvarez and Alvaro Simon)
      Speakers: Alvaro Simon (FCTSG), Cyril Lorphelin (CNRS), Guenter Grein (KIT-G), Helmut Dres (KIT-G), Henning Perl (LUH), Ivan Alvarez (FCTSG), Dr John Gordon (STFC), Marian Babik (CERN), Stuart Pullinger (STFC), david meredith (STFC)
      Accounting and Metrics Portal status update
    • 16:45 17:00
      AOB 15m