GPGPU Integration and GPGPU User Application Support

John Walsh (TCD)
Connection details
    • 11:05 AM 11:15 AM

      Aims, objectives and scope of this meeting

    • 11:15 AM 11:35 AM
      VT GPGPU Wiki

      VT GPGPU Wiki and Knowledgebase

    • 11:35 AM 11:55 AM
      RC Setup

      We shall discuss a potential scenario that should allow sites to run GPGPU jobs in a relatively short timeframe using site GPGPU queue(s). This method does not support advanced features of GLUE2. Also, we do not have advanced GPGPU resource discovery.

      Would like to gain interest from the RCs is testing this setup. What resources shall be committed? VOs supported?

    • 11:55 AM 12:00 PM
      EGI CF Meeting

      A session has been proposed for the EGI CF. It is intended to showcase GPGPU User Application support on the EGI Infrastructure.

      Objectives: Need RCs and Users to work together towards producing demonstrable results for EGI CF

    • 12:00 PM 12:30 PM
      GLUE 2

      The Group must work under the context of a GLUE2 based Schema (and not GLUE1). We shall discuss how we propose to generate Application related GLUE2 instances. ApplicationEnvironment