Tasks setup meeting

This is a teleconference organised for the EISCAT_3D Competence Centre (CC). The goal of the meeting is to discuss and possibly allocate tasks for the CC members.
Link: https://egi.webex.com/egi/j.php?MTID=mc0184b1bff891245c195b7da64434f86
Meeting number: 956 220 787
Meeting password: engage

1. EISCAT3D CC kickoff 11 March (EISCAT data roadmap 10 March)
2. Tasks and allocation of tasks Reallocation of Sigma tasks Adjust time/tasks
3. Task2
4. AOB
proceedings from the kickoff
Notes (Written by Gergely Sipos, EGI):

  • SIGMA's PMs and tasks need to be shifter to another partner. This is most important now about Task2, where SIGMA was responsible for the further development of the ENVRI-EISCAT3D pilot portal into a production version
    • We need to find another partner to replace SIGMA in Task 2
    • Changing the scope of Task 2 may help, e.g. use scripts instead of a web interface? (so we would not need web developer)
  • Action (Gergely): Find and circulate the documentation of the ENVRI-EISCAT3D pilot portal to the email list, together with pointer to the online deployed portal instance
  • Action (Ingemar): Elaborate each item from slide 5 - These outline the main developments that need to be completed in Task2. (e.g. describe each item in 1-2 paragraph) Circulate the material to the email list.
  • Action (Every partner):
    • Read Ingemar's slides and the CC workplan from https://indico.egi.eu/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=2468
    • Read the pilot portal documentation and decide whether wants to take over SIGMA's role in Task2
  • Identifiers:
    • iRODS could not handle files bigger than x GB (2GB?) - Uppsala had problems like that. Is this still the case?
    • Action (?): Ask Uppsala whether they still have this problem and what was the actual limit
    • Action (Gergely): Ask Salvatore about how Identifiers are used in the pilot portal and circulate information about this to the email list.
  • Next meeting: April 7, 10:00 Amsterdam time
    • Action (Gergely): Book Webex, setup Indico agenda page
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