We have aggreed on the actions for the folloing 2 weeks (12 - 26 Jun):
1) EISCAT: Define MODE in how we want the data to be structured on the storage
2) EISCAT: Pid input
3) Ari: to investigate iRods/dCache (# of files, EISCAT type identifiers, metadata, staging…)
4) Yin: to contact LoFAR technical expertise on searching of large-scale of data and the use of dCache
5) Yin: to ask availability of Ake, it’s need to set up portal development environment soon
6) EUDAT proposal by the end of September, Ari to provide call information
7) EISCAT: RDA use case required by Peter
8) Next meeting will use Vidyo,
PIN: 1234, Use Guest login
9) Holiday time working plan
A mid-term working plan (12Month since March 2015):
1) First version of the design specification to be delivered by the end of Summer
2) Set up the portal development environment as soon as possible
3) First version of the design specification present to EISCAT community to get feedback by the end of Summer
4) Based on the community feedback and interests, portal development situation, identify areas for in-depth investigation, to draft second version of the design specification (e.g., add new functionalities, in-depth design for special elements), by the end of this year.
5) First portal prototype based on the first version of design specification to be delivered by the end of year.
6) Find some EISCAT users to test the portal and provide feedback
7) Final portal delivery by the end of Feb 2016.
The proposed agenda for this week's discussion: 1) Update with activities and progress 2) Discussion of specific technology issues, e.g., dCache
3) Work Plan during holiday season