9–13 Nov 2015
Villa Romanazzi Carducci
Europe/Rome timezone
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Outreach strategies for the long tail of science in France

11 Nov 2015, 17:00
Sala D, Giulia centre (Villa Romanazzi Carducci)

Sala D, Giulia centre

Villa Romanazzi Carducci


Romier Romier (CNRS)


The research landscape in France is very scattered. There are a lot of units that depend on multiple research organisms or universities. The computing offer is also scattered and France Grilles is one of the many stakeholders that work at local, regional, disciplinary or national levels. « France Grilles aims at building and operating a multidisciplinary national Distributed Computing Infrastructure open to all sciences and to developing countries. » is the French NGI vision. The French major scientific organizations joint their forces in France Grilles. It implies that all their scientists may use the services if needed. A question is « how to reach them ? » About 100 000 academic researchers work in France and 60 000 more people are involved in research organisms and universities. CNRS staff represents about 30 000 people working in more than 1000 research units for example. Most of these units are shared with one or more other organisms. Looking for researchers who may need France Grilles resources and services implies to be organised. As computing is related to IT our strategy will mainly rely on IT people and on related initiatives and work-groups. In fact in almost all French research units or entities there is an IT team in charge of information system. This team is often in charge of the unit computing resources and is close to the researchers needs. In the presentation we will present this context and our detailed strategy. We will explain how we got involved in business networks, how we built fruitful relationship with other entities and how we benefit from platforms, tools or events. We will also present our communication and dissemination actions.

Primary author

Romier Romier (CNRS)


Silvia Gervois (CNRS)

Presentation materials

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