9–13 Nov 2015
Villa Romanazzi Carducci
Europe/Rome timezone
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Scalable ABM platforms with friendly interaction to address practical problems.

11 Nov 2015, 17:00
Scuderia (Villa Romanazzi Carducci)


Villa Romanazzi Carducci


Luis Cabellos (CSIC)


Many problems can be addressed in a realistic way with the help of Agent Based Model tools. However, these tools are sometimes not easy to use for a final user, or are not able to scale up to use the computing resources required by the problem. We propose to develop a general platform supporting different ABM solutions, and deployed as a service in HPC Cloud resources. We analyze a first possible pilot, through the discussion of a simple but real use case: the anthropogenic impact in the water quality in a lake.

Primary author

Luis Cabellos (CSIC)


Jesus Marco de Lucas (CSIC)

Presentation materials

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