9–13 Nov 2015
Villa Romanazzi Carducci
Europe/Rome timezone
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The vo.france-grilles.fr VO: expertise mutualization and integrated services to serve the France Grilles long tail

11 Nov 2015, 17:40
Sala D, Giulia centre (Villa Romanazzi Carducci)

Sala D, Giulia centre

Villa Romanazzi Carducci


Romier Romier (CNRS)


Context: France Grilles set up in 2011 a national VO named vo.france-grilles.fr to welcome all potential users from all disciplines for their research needs if they work in France in the academic research or in partnership with a France Grilles member and if there is not a more relevant VO to welcome them. This VO is accepted by almost all grid sites in France and by the production cloud sites. It benefits from two main mutualized services: FG-DIRAC and FG-iRODS. A French speaking collaborative documentation is available on line and user support is organized. This VO is currently in the Top Ten of the VOs in term of CPU time consumed according to the EGI accounting portal (20 M hours Normalised CPU time or 0.43% of the total CPU time consumed during the last year on the EGI infrastructure on the first of July 2015). The first part of the presentation will detail this context: why and how France Grilles engages with its long tail of scientists. We will show how the different mutualized services are integrated to facilitate the users work and how the France Grilles team builds step by step a complete set of services. In the second part we will give elements and statistics showing the achievements and we will conclude with a presentation of the next steps.

Primary author

Romier Romier (CNRS)


. sites and services providers community (France Grilles)

Presentation materials

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