Gergely Sipos
09/11/2015, 09:00
This is a request for 1/2 session on Monday for a f2f Engagement meeting. The content would be based on the different activities that are included in the action plan part of the Engagement Strategy (most recent issue is in D2.1).
1 session is sufficient in case NGIs can give engagement stories talks in some other session during Tue-Fri. Otherwise 2 sessions would be needed.
Peter Solagna
(EGI Operations Manager)
09/11/2015, 11:00
The session would provide opportunity to share among NGIs current status and plans of each NGI. The goal of the session is to show current development within EGI on NGI level and identify common interest.
Enol Fernandez
09/11/2015, 13:30
The EGI Federated Cloud provides access to IaaS cloud resources on a flexible environment for computing and data access fully integrated with EGI core services. This F2F will be an opportunity to discuss:
- the status of the cloud infrastructure
- the integration of new communities and infrastructures into the federation (WP4.3)
- the status of the Engage developments (WP4.2)
and to...
Diego Scardaci
09/11/2015, 16:00
The whole set of EGI tools composes the e-Infrastructure Commons, an ecosystem of services that constitutes the foundation layer of any distributed e-Infrastructure, which is one of the three pillars of the Open Science Commons vision. The technical development of the e-Infrastructure Commons services is user-driven to satisfy the needs of scientific communities, EGI-Engage competence centers,...