EGI CSIRT Monthly Team Meeting

Mumble audio conference

Mumble audio conference

David Kelsey (STFC)
Video conference using Mumble - please see the CSIRT private wiki for details.
    • 1
      Agree agenda and review actions
      RT tickets - actions
    • 2
      Current ongoing operational issues - anything to discuss?
      GGUS tickets Any sites or services to suspend?
    • 3
      Updates from Group coordinators
      IRTF SVG SSC Monitoring
    • 4
      Current Issues
      Including: EGI-Engage - progress against plans for PY1 Feedback from 1st WISE workshop Barcelona (EGI/EUDAT/GEANT/PRACE) - 20-22 Oct 2015 Policy revisions (AUP, Privacy, ToR, etc) Test NGI Security phone numbers Plans for EGI Conference in Bari Next EGI CSIRT F2F meeting (Prague) - plans Abstract submission and plans for ISGC 2016 Security workshop Distribution of pakiti client IRTF ticket communication with involved NGI security teams Other topics?
    • 5
      AOB and future monthly meetings