T3.4 and WP4 weeky meeting

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UKIM: Boro
EGI.eu: Sy, Gergely, Tiziana
FTK: Matthias, Holger, Jana
ENG: Carlo

A1. Update. No progress in contacting the champions so far. Data management architecture could be distributed, assuming OAIMPH for harversting of information about the contents. Where needed the material could be uploaded and storage, IPR aspects are important
Monday: meeting involving Matthias, Holger, Gergely, Boro on this

A2. Tiziana to contact Andrea and Holger on how chapion universities can be contacted (Andrea took the lead in defining the Champions ToR)
--> spreadsheet in WP3 on google drive, includes candidates that were indicated by ENG and FTK
--> the methodology on how to interact with champions and how to select these

Discussion. WP3 (Holger) will be the contact person for the champions programme. This is part of WP3.2 (not yet officially started)

ENG (Carlo). Interviews with users (Uni La Sapienza) will start next week. The e-mail is being drafted to engage them (user recuritment activity). They will help engaging with the graduates, but the interviews with them will follow and the process will require more time. Matthias to introduce his contacts to Carlo and Andrea's team.

The interview protocol needs to be defined. Focus is on training needs, intentions to use ICT tools for required activities. Matthias: a lot of focus on the deman side (consumers of material), but we need to focus also on the suppy side (who can provide content) e.g. interfaces for registering material, etc. Supply side should be handled first. Carlo: this is understood. Slides to be circulated. Matthias: start with expert interviews rather than focusing on the quantitative dimensions.

A3. Boro. Discuss user management and AAI in the training marketplace, desidered support of OpenID and OAuth.
==> merge with A4. Integration with eduGAIN access will be a requirement as well as OAuth

A4. Boro to circulate a draft architecture of the training marketplace, integrated with the repository of online content and the federated cloud of EGI by next week with the involvement of Carlo and Gergely
==> Draft to be circualted next week. Discussions in progress. Liferay could be integrated if easy to do.
1. 7-8 Dec draft architecture and discussion for internal revision 
( 7 Dec meeting on data management and architecture draft, including content integration, AAI )
2. presentation for general discussion at the next briefing meeting

A5. Tiziana and Andrea to propose a few solutions looking at open source and commercial options.
==> no discussion at the PMB, Tiziana to propose discussion point at the next PMB. 

(NEW) A6. Carlo to circulate the presentation (under revision) from last WP3.4 meeting. Managers implementing the courses will be included. Expected timeline: available for discussion at the next meeting (18 Dec)

(NEW) A7. Matthias to provide links to Accreditation agencies (Switzerland, UK, and possibly IT) in some countries.

Sy. Training and certification scheme needs to be drafted. For 18th of Dec, a draft can be circulated for discussion.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:30 09:45
      Review of actions 15m
      A1. Boro, Gergely, Matthias to discuss the data management requirements for the federated cloud based on a number of use cases from champion universities (Lucern, 2 Universities in DE, Amsterdam, Southampton and Stavanger, Perugia) A2. Tiziana to contact Andrea and Holger on how chapion universities can be contacted (Andrea took the lead in defining the Champions ToR) A3. Boro. Discuss user management and AAI in the training marketplace, desidered support of OpenID and OAuth. A4. Boro to circulate a draft architecture of the training marketplace, integrated with the repository of online content and the federated cloud of EGI by next week with the involvement of Carlo and Gergely A5. Tiziana and Andrea to propose a few solutions looking at open source and commercial options.
    • 09:45 10:05
      Report from WP3.4 20m
      Speaker: Boro Jakimovski (UKIM)
    • 10:05 10:25
      Report from WP4.1 - Ruben 20m
    • 10:25 10:35
      AOB 10m