ELIXIR Competence Centre meeting (f2f with remote connection possible)

Bari, Italy

Bari, Italy

EGI Community Forum venue
Meeting of the ELIXIR Competence Centre of the EGI-Engage project. Details about the Competence Centre: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/CC-ELIXIR Agenda: - Infrastructure - Scientific use cases - Upcoming deliverables/milestones - Potential role of OSG - Next meeting
ELIXIR Competence Centre meeting (f2f with remote connection possible) (11 Nov 2015)

Gergely Sipos (EGI) - meeting chair and note taker
Jerome Pansanel (CNRS)
Steven Newhouse (EBI)
Tony Wildish (EBI)
Fotis E. Psomopoulos (AUTH)
Kimmo Mattila (CSC)
Michal Prochazka (CESNET)
David Meredith (GOCDB)
Rob Quick (OSG)

Topics discussed:

1. Infrastructure:
- Perun is up and running at CESNET
- VO is up and configured in EGI
    * Page about this at https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/ELIXIR_Virtual_Organisation
    * Gergely to work on a compact AUP for this purpose.
    * Perun registration link will change when ELIXIR IDP is finalised
    * Currently is a VO for infrastructure integration and testing. Will change to a 'user' VO in approx 2016
- PERUN-AppDB integration works for Michal, soon for others (In AppDB user is recognised as member of VO)
    * Same setup is needed between PERUN-GOCDB?
- Integrate ELIXIR IDP into GOCDB --> David M., Michal
    * Would enable: Sysadmins to register in ELIXIR, then register site in GOCDB
- OpenStack Kilo keystone integration ongoing at EBI
- EBI site admin has personal ID, generated proxy but count not test site because of certificate/proxy issue? --> Enol-Gergely to follow-up with EBI site admin
- Gergely to check whether federated use of OpenStack is possible with ELIXIR-Perun account
- EBI GridFTP service are now using IDGF certificates - satisfactory for CSC
- Now EBI has an RA --> Can they issue certificates for ELIXIR members? --> Steven to ask from David Groep/Dave Kelsey (SEEGRID CA is similar in EGI for the long-tail platform)
- Adoption of EGI 'per-user subproxy' approach for site access? (See Gergely's long-tail of science talk earlier for details: https://indico.egi.eu/indico/contributionDisplay.py?sessionId=30&contribId=83&confId=2544)

2. Scientific use cases:
1. Metagenomics use case from EXCELERATE
2. Phenomenal: have a compute intensive and embarassingly parallel workload working with open datasets. Steven is gathering more information.
3. New contact from France to Michal (mouse) --> Follow-up and report back at next meeting

3. Structure for M6.3 (due end of February 2016)
1. Describe implementation of technical use cases:
phase 1: GOCDB, AppDB, PERUN
phase 2: Monitoring, Accounting
2. Describe the two scientific use cases (above)

4. Potential role of OSG:
- Rob to check what cloud resources OSG could bring into the ELIXIR VO

5. Next meeting:
- Open a doodle for the week of the 7th of December
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