ELIXIR Competence Centre meeting (Webex teleconference)

Meeting of the ELIXIR Competence Centre of the EGI-Engage project. Details about the Competence Centre: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/CC-ELIXIR Agenda: - Update on technical use case and infrastructure setup (Steven, Tony, Gergely) * EGI AAI (Diego) * Data accounting (Stuart) - Scientific use cases and upcoming milestone (M6.3: Life science requirements analysis and driver use case(s) with implementation roadmap are agreed - See attached document below) - Potential role of OSG - Future events (e.g. ELIXIR All hands) - Next meeting Join via the Internet: https://egi.webex.com/egi/j.php?MTID=mdf572df72b6e8a11de97e91d7f4aef43 Meeting password: elixir Join by phone: Global call-in numbers: https://egi.webex.com/egi/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=366776862&tollFree=0 Access code: 950 049 416
M6.3 draft v1

Notes of ELIXIR CC teleconference, 15 January, 2016.


Christophe Blanchet

Diego Scardaci

Fotis E. Psomopoulos

Gergely Sipos (Note taker)

Kimmo Mattila (Chair)

Kostas Koumantaros

Miroslav Ruda

Steven Newhouse

Stuart Pullinger

Tony Wildish


Agenda points with main outcomes:

EGI AAI (Diego):

- Diego presented the proposed architecture of the new EGI AAI (See document attached to agenda)

- The new EGI AAI aims to simplify the process of connecting EGI services to AAI architecutres operated by external infrastructures (such as the ELIXIR AAI), and also harmonise the integration of EGI services across RI AAI systems. (e.g. ELIXIR, BBMRI, EPOS, …)

- Question: Connecting an ELIXIR proxy to the EGI proxy then to an EGI service. How will these interactions look like from the user perspective, compared with the solution when EGI services are connected directly to the ELIXIR AAI?

- Answer from Diego: The EGI AAI won't use additional complexity to the user compared to the 'direct connection' mode. Let me double check this with the developers and get back to you.

ACTION: Discuss the EGI AAI proposal with ELIXIR AAI group, and understand the consequences of using this to connect ELIXIR and EGI services.

Data accounting (Stuart):

- Prototype system for storage usage accounting is available. This covers two aspect of usage:

    * Disk space usage

    * Dataset usage (access)

- Data accounting questionnaire was sent out, Steven responded from the CC

- Summary of the use case: We'd like to monitor usage not at the individual site level, rather at the infrastructure level

    * how data is moved and used around the infrastructure

    * how many 'access' does a dataset/file experienced (aggregating both local and Web access)

    * where the access request comes from (location of the user)

    * where we should put data replicas?

    * Managerial view: Users/dataset

    * Technical view: Bytes/dataset

- There is a metrics WP in EXCELERATE and will define what we would like to capture

- iRODS is encountered more on a project level, than infrastructure level

- Transfer solutions:

    * ASPERA (commercial server at EBI) - Suitable for star topology

    * GridFTP - For other topologies (--> This should be the priority for EGI storage accounting integration)

- Storage solutions:

    * dCache, Castor

- Timescale for storage accounting development in EGI:

    * Proof-of-concept prototype in 2016 Q1. Further developments in 12-18 months after that, with internal releases

FedCloud EBI integration:

- Site integration is moving ahead

- Integration of usage records is the next step. We are working on this, then we will start site certification.


  • Gergely presented the current draft and allocation of sections to authors from the CC.
  • The draft is available on the agenda page.
  • ACTION TO ALL: Send your contribution to Gergely by the 3rd of February. (The integrated document should be finalised in the CC by the 12th)

OSG involvement:

- Possible involvement in the data replication setup (ECP setup); Integrating bioinfo platforms from the US to the ECP? (Recent discussion from Steven)

- BD2K (Big Data to Knowledge) is the big life science initiative in the US

- ACTION TO GERGELY: Email Rob Quick concerning OSG involvement and cover this in M6.3.


1. European Open Science Cloud for Research (EOSC) Workshop, 5th of Feb, Rome, Co-located with EUDAT User Forum: Following a recent joint statement on the European Open Science Cloud for Research (EOSC) by EUDAT, LIBER, OpenAIRE, EGI and GÉANT, the first in a series of workshops to discuss this joint vision was organised in Bari in November 2015. This second workshop will focus on understanding the roles of e-Infrastructures and Research infrastructures in this initiative, together with the potential governance models for a concrete contribution to Europe’s Digital Single Market.

2. Open Science user stories for a European open science cloud, Feb 22-23, Amsterdam/Pisa: Following the Workshop on Open Science Cloud held in Bari, the EGI-Engage project will organise a face-to-face meeting dedicated to the discussion open science user stories with leaders of large and emerging communities. Leaders of the CCs are invited to this. Kimmo will attend from the ELIXIR CC and will collect input from the CC closer to the meeting. Steven raised concern that the EGI Council was not informed about this meeting and will raise this at the next council meeting.

3. ELIXIR All hands, March 7-10, Barcelona: Break-out group was requested for the ELIXIR Compute Platform. (Possibly half-day on the first day). Details and possible involvement of the CC will be discussed on the CC email list.

4. EGI Forum, April 6-8, Amsterdam: The programme is under development. Sessions for 'Competence Centre and Community presentations’ are planned and the ELIXIR CC status can be reported here. (covering ELIXIR compute platform and use cases). CC meeting can be held as a co-located session on 4th or 5th of April. Let Kimmo know if you are planning to attend the Forum and your preference for a co-located CC session.

5. Using VMs and cloud for biomed, 23-25 May, CSC: EGI is invited to present the Federated Cloud and CHIPSTER on the Federated Cloud. (Diego follows this up with the organisers)

Next meeting:

Around 9-12th of Feb (so we can discuss M6.3 before sending it for external review). Gergely will setup a doodle. 

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