Present - Lukasz Dutka (LD) Catherine Zwahlen (CZ) Björn Hagemeier (BH)
Jeff Muller (JM) Christian Bernardt (CB) Matthew Viljoen (MV)
- The imaging performance script was discussed - see last meeting minutes.
MV additionally ran the script against dCache and OneData at CERN and
obtained the following sample results, further showing that EGI
infrastructure is capable of meeting the 1s target for multiple users.:
#Users dCache OneData
1 790ms 560ms
2 1300ms 700ms
3 1800ms 1000ms
4 1200ms
CZ said that it was good news that the target is met but agreed with LD
that the imaging service could benefit from further optimization work to
improve its parallelism. CZ also reiterated that the software was still a
prototype. Further development would take place on the imaging service
after March which would include optimization work.
In the meantime we can do further tests with multiple instances of the
imaging software. BH suggested we should also investigate load-balancing
solutions, saying that even a fully parallelized and optimized imaging
service would still benefit from load-balancing.
MV asked whether the random tiling requests as done by the performance
script is sufficient to give us realistic performance stats, or whether we
should focus on the example data slicing tiling requests. CZ said that
random requests should be ok.
-> EGI to test timings of multiple instances of the imaging service making
use of a load-balancing 3rd party solution, e.g. NGINX (LD for onedata, CB
for dCache)
- CZ said that AtlasViewer (the visualization javascript application) has
been modified to be configurable to work with multiple imaging services,
e.g. one at dCache, one at onedata. It has been packaged and deposited by
sftp: hbp-user@ This can
be tested to work on EGI
-> test AtlasViewer against imaging services at dCache, OneData (EGI team)
- CZ contacted a HBP person in Italy who can provide larger datasets for
bigger testing. The data needs to be processed and given to us.
-> Process larger datasets and transfer to EGI (CZ)
- The OpenID Connect development status was brought up. JM gave MV a
status update after the meeting (he had problems connecting during the
meeting). Development is progressing well and the HBP team are on track
for a delivery by the end of the month. This will mean that we can use it
to authenticate users to access the imaging service running on EGI
infrastructure using standard OpenID Connect libraries.
DONM: 19 Jan at 10:30 CET
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