5–8 Apr 2016
Science Park
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

IM - Infrastructure Manager: Deploying Customized Virtual Infrastructures on EGI FedCloud

6 Apr 2016, 14:50
Turingzaal (WCW Congress centre)


WCW Congress centre


Dr Ignacio Blanquer (UPVLC) Miguel Caballer (UPVLC)


IM is a framework that can deploy multi-VM, complex and customized virtual infrastructures on multiple back-ends. The IM automates the selection of the rightmost Virtual Machine Image (VMI) and the deployment, configuration, software installation, monitoring and update of virtual infrastructures. It supports a wide range of public (Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure) and on-premises back-ends (OpenNebula, OpenStack, OCCI end-points, etc.), thus making user applications Cloud agnostic. In addition, it features DevOps capabilities, based on Ansible (and also supporting simple cloud-init scripts) to enable the installation and configuration of all the user required applications providing the user with a fully functional infrastructure. IM does not require the VMI to be prepared with any special software, so any available image can be used. IM works as a service that features a web-based GUI, a XML-RPC API, a REST API and a command-line application.

Presentation materials