5–8 Apr 2016
Science Park
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

OCCI-compliant Occopus orchestrator and experiences with using it with the EGI Federated Cloud

6 Apr 2016, 16:20
Turingzaal (WCW Congress Centre)


WCW Congress Centre


Peter Kacsuk (MTA SZTAKI)


The Occopus orchestrator enables to deploy complex services (virtual infrastructures) in multi-cloud environments. Such a multi-cloud system is the EGI FedCloud and hence an important objective of the Occopus team was to make Occopus EGI FedCloud compliant. In order to achieve this we have developed an OCCI plugin that enables to access the EGI FedCloud resources. As a result Occopus users can deploy virtual infrastructures in the EGI Fedcloud, for example, they can deploy a Docker cluster. The talk will shortly introduce and summarize the most important features of Occopus including its OCCI plugin. Then we will show how to create a docker cluster in the EGI FedCloud by Occopus. Once the docker cluster is deployed Occopus can also be used to initiate docker containers in the deployed docker cluster using the docker plugin of Occopus. This will be also shown during the talk. The whole docker example will use one of the cloud sites of the EGI FedCloud to show the work of the OCCI plugin of Occopus.

Presentation materials