5–8 Apr 2016
Science Park
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Dutch Green Monitor and its applications. A multi-sensor EO data platform

7 Apr 2016, 11:30
Eulerzaal (WCW Congress Centre)


WCW Congress Centre


Dr Gerard Hazeu (ALTERRA)Dr Gerbert Roerink (ALTERRA)


The Dutch Green monitor makes use of, amongst others, DMC satellite imagery that is made available through the Dutch Satellite Data Portal. This portal was launched by the Dutch government as an incentive for the Dutch Remote Sensing community to create new markets and prepare themselves for the vast amounts of data that will become available with the launch of the different Sentinel satellites. The Green monitor is a website (www.groenmonitor.nl) giving access to detailed spatial information regarding the greenness of the Netherlands. The greenness or amount of biomass is expressed as an index that is calculated on basis of satellite information. The vast amount of satellite images available from 2012 onwards makes it possible to monitor the amount of biomass. The variation in the index shows the effect of weather conditions and/or human activity on the development of vegetation over the growing season. Different vegetation types will behave differently within a year. However, also the comparison of vegetation development between years is possible. The data coming from the Green monitor is used in various applications like plant phenology, crop identification, yield assessments and grassland management. Other recent applications are the monitoring and quantification of damage of grassland by mice and geese.

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