5–8 Apr 2016
Science Park
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Data sharing policies, legal frameworks and market analysis of the fisheries and marine data sector

6 Apr 2016, 15:00
Ground floor (Matrix I (EGI building, Science Park 140))

Ground floor

Matrix I (EGI building, Science Park 140)


Eise van Maanen Nadia Nardi (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa)


Collaboration between EGI, through the EGI-Engage Project, and the Fishery and Marine Sciences community exists through activities of the BlueBRIDGE Project (continuing the iMarine initiative) funded under H2020. BlueBRIDGE (bluebridge-vres.eu) works with Fishery and Marine Sciences community by supporting capacity building in interdisciplinary research communities related to sustainable exploitation, environmental management and ecosystem services. Overall, the Fishery and Marine Sciences sector receives funds from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and has a notable budget of around €5.749 billion for the period 2014-2020. The budget is allocated to support improving fisheries data collection, and to allow decisions to be based on robust evidence, amongst other areas of concern. The data needs to manage this sector are huge, and range from on-board monitoring of bycatch, to economic and employment indicators, representing an important opportunity for EGI to deliver services to new market segments. This presentation outlines the findings from the EGI-Engage Deliverable D2.6; “Report on data sharing policies and legal framework in fishery and marine sciences” and D2.7; “Market Report on the Fishery and Marine Sciences Data Analysis Sector”. The aim is to present session participants with the very diverse data needs, the analytical needs and dynamics, and the legal interoperability issues of sharing data in the Fishery and Marine Sciences sector, and discuss with EGI: (i) the idea of the Fishery and Marine Sciences being a prospective EGI User Community and/or (ii) how to facilitate future collaboration, beyond the main four activities brought forward in EGI-Engage (described below). A future collaboration could be: (i) activities done through the Competence Centers in EGI-Engage that were not covered through the project tasks, and/or (ii) to co-design new composite value-added services. An example could be the business opportunity of EGI in providing Data as a Service (DaaS) with analysis facilities – combining access to relevant core datasets, computing and applications, in the Marine and Fishery Data Analysis Sector. Four relevant activities performed in EGI-Engage are the following: 1. Task JRA2.3 (e-Infrastructures Integration) fosters the expansion of the capacity and capabilities of EGI by the integration of its technical solutions with those offered by the e-Infrastructure which serves this community (Fishery and Marine Sciences Data Analysis Sector) through the BlueBRIDGE project. The integration with the gCube/D4Science data and a computational e-Infrastructure will see an update of the federation model of the EGI Federated Cloud. 2. Task SA1.3 (Integration, Deployment of Grid and Cloud Platforms) sets out to deploy and maintain a set of fishery and marine sciences VREs to offer innovative working environments with the as-a-Service paradigm of both gCube and EGI. These facilities are to be offered by exploiting EGI resources, namely the hosting of services and data. A number of representative VREs will be pro-actively created to act as a sort of typical environment ready to use for a class of users (e.g. biodiversity students, data managers). In addition VREs will be specifically created to serve the needs of specific use cases identified during the project. This activity will also support the adaptation of existing applications and data to the VREs. 3. Task NA2.3.3.2 (Market Analysis of the fishery and marine sciences data analysis sector) seeks to: (i) facilitate the connection of EGI with SMEs and other stakeholder types at a European level by providing a clear introduction to the sector, its domains, and respective stakeholders; (ii) allow EGI to learn the data needs and challenges. Overall objective is to work towards developing the EGI business engagement programme and service exploitation programme by offering services for exploitation of fishery and marine data to innovators. The expected outcome is new collaborations. 4. Task NA2.3.3.1 (Data Sharing Policies and Legal Aspects (fishery and marine sciences datasets)) Objective are: Explore legal barriers in sharing fishery and marine sciences datasets (raw and processed data) with other institutions and communities, which would prevent research and business opportunities; Deliver a framework of legally relevant instructions to data providers and consumers on how to describe their data, the access to this data, and the lifecycle of data and contents and / or of parts thereof in an infrastructure; Validate a use case with a selected community of a regional database targeting fisheries’ productivity; Devise a context where infrastructure support to processing a mix of public and non-public datasets results in improved data availability whilst respecting legal dissemination boundaries; Advise on how the legal interoperability is best supported through infrastructure security, especially where storage and access arrangements are required (e.g. to support confidentiality needs of data owners).

Presentation materials