5–8 Apr 2016
Science Park
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Enabling the use of the Karamel PaaS orchestration engine on EGI Federated Cloud

6 Apr 2016, 14:15
Turingzaal (WCW Congress centre)


WCW Congress centre


Boris Parak (CESNET)


Karamel is an orchestration engine [1] for Chef Solo that enables the deployment of arbitrarily large distributed systems on both virtualized platforms and bare-metal hosts. This orchestration engine is heavily used in the BBMRI (Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research nfrastructure) [2] environment to provision large computing clusters with specialized software stacks on demand. OCCI (Open Cloud Computing Interface) support in Karamel was introduced as part of the BBMRI Competence Centre (BBMRI-CC) [3] efforts to enable the use of EGI Federated Cloud resources and its software stacks in private deployments. This talk will briefly describe the Karamel orchestration engine, provide an overview of the integration process and introduce basic use cases utilizing this tool to build on-demand computing clusters. [1] http://www.karamel.io/ [2] https://www.structuralbiology.eu/resources/organisations/bbmri-biobanking-and-biomolecular-resources-research-infrastructure [3] https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/Competence_centre_BBMRI

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