Present: Sean Hill (SH), Tiziana Ferarri (TF), Sy Holsinger (SY), Matthew Viljoen (MV)
MV presented his overview of testing status. SH said he'd tried out the load-balanced ATLASViewer instances deployed on EGI infrastructure and said that the performance was as good - if not better - than that running on GPFS/supercomputer at HBP.
It was agreed that the next steps (before the end of March) should be as follows :
- validation of the pilot against bigger datasets and enable a federated access of datasets
SH said that a 4TB rat brain was available for deploying onto EGI
- interoperability with HBP AAI
It was noted that Jeff Muller had said in the previous HBP/EGI collaboration meeting that the OpenID Connect release that would enable interoperation with EGI won't be released until the end of Feb. Given only a month from this point to the end of March, if there are problems with integration, AAI won't be able to be included in the pilot - this was acknowledged.
- Acceptance criteria was discussed and agreed for the pilot:
. Speed is for the imaging software to deliver 8 tiles under a second, with support for multiple (>10) users via load-balancing the imaging software
. Ability to scale to larger datasets (4TB). Ideally federated access.
. AAI compatibility with HBP
. Full documentation of the pilot setup, including testing
- The costing model was discussed. HBP need a costing for the following:
. 10 TB production running of hosting data accessible by visualization software over the next 12 months. Potentially more, to be added on an agile basis, to meet rapidly changing requirements.
. Backup datasets on EGI infrastructure as the primary backup and/or cost of staging datasets to EGI for primary access
. Scale the serving of data to 100 concurrent users, using measurements made from the pilot.