EISCAT 3D CC weekly discussion


Following on last week's action plan (see Gergely's note: https://indico.egi.eu/indico/event/2876/material/minutes/minutes.html), we will report progress in two activities:

1) DIRAC setups for EISCAT 3D protal prototype 

2) Deliverable status

Report from Victor who cannot participate the meeting:

  • Technical: In EISCAT CC we are waiting to firewall access in order to reach the EISCAT file system with datasets. Considering my agenda is full tomorrow and friday, this status will not change for friday meeting, except access is granted and Andrei could move forward.
  • Tactical: As I previously said, to my eyes this bottom up approach can be tackled with the deployment in parallel of a DIRAC WebApp portal for EISCAT CC, which is straightforward with your project deliverables and milestones, while following only the bottom up catalog approach will need to depth in many details by a complete computing model. This is what I was saying in my presentation, targeting the "client pain management" not only technical matters.

SKYPE will be used. Contact information are as follows:

  • Andrei Tsaregorodtsev: atsareg
  • Victor Mendez Munoz: eurekazgz
  • Ingemar Haggstrom:ingemar.h
  • Carl-Fredrick Enell: cfenell
  • Anders Tjulin: anders.tjulin
  • Ake Sandgren: ake-sandgren
  • Ari Lukkarinen: ari_lukkarinen
  • John White: giovanni.bianco001
  • Gergely Sipos: gergely.sipos
  • Yin Chen: yin.chen.egi

Chair: Gergely Sipos

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