5 April 2016
Matrix I (EGI building)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


E-infrastructure services

5 Apr 2016, 09:15
ground floor (Matrix I (EGI building))

ground floor

Matrix I (EGI building)

Science Park 140 Amsterdam, NL


During this session the EGI and EUDAT service catalogues will be presented and discussed. This will help us establish a common understanding about existing possibilities with these two infrastructures, so later during the day we will be able to map community use cases to specific e-infrastructure capabilities. The session will also empower participants with knowledge on the EGI and EUDAT service portfolios so the relevance of these can be recognise in community support activities in the future.

Scheduled contributions:
- The EGI service catalogue
- The EUDAT service catalogue
- Integrating EGI and EUDAT services - the West-Life VRE experience

Presentation materials

Building timetable...