Steven Newhouse
Ludek Maryska
Gergely Sipos
Kimmo Mattila
Tony Wildish
Amelie Cornelis
Dario Vianello
Miroslav Ruda
1. Updates about the scientific usecases
1.1. cBioPortal -
1.2. PhenoMeNal - Porting GPU applications. - conversion to EGI OCCI later on - Problem: Many of thedatasets are confidential, public data sets are used for testing - certification needed? - ansible-occi is it coming.
1.3. Marine Metagenomics - EBI is porting Rob Finn's pipeline to EBI cloud. - installation of the Norwegian MetaPIPE pioeline started in cPouta at CSC - instructions for HDFS, Spark, GridFTP server to be generated
1.4. Insyght -
2. Elixir compute platform and ELIXIR VO - Compute platform running - AAI integration going to happen soon. (AppDB and COGDB) - at the moment just one VO needed. - more VO:s needed only later on - Two roles:managers and members - credential translation service pilot will become in wider use during spring / summer (AARC project)
- Groups to VOMS link is not yet configured - More gridFTP endpoints needed - fedCould VM is working
3. EGI-Engage D6.10 - Draft by the first week of June - Focus on documentation of using FedCloud VM - VM creation and distribution could be included
4. AAI - Integration on AppDB and COGDB to ELIXIR ID - CA login studied as to tool to access Globus Online with ELIXIR ID.
Coming meetings:
- Elixir WP4 F2F meeting. 8-10.6. 2016 Helsinki
- Possibly another meeting on April-May
- Data Node workshop (WP4 and ELIXIR CC) Prague.