Collaborating e-Infrastructures - Meeting 2/Amsterdam 2016

Meeting room, ground floor (Matrix I)

Meeting room, ground floor

Matrix I

Science Park 140
Participants: Dugan O'Neil (Compute Canada) - CA T. Ferrari, G. Sipos, T. Athanassiadou, A. Paolini, Y. Chen (EGI) - NL Eric Yen (TWGRID) - TW Glenn Moloney (NeCTAR) - AU Miron Livny, Rob Quick (OSG) - USA Colin Wright (CSIR, SAGrid) - SA Rob van der Meer, Michael Wise (ASTRON) - NL J. Bot (SURFSara) - NL
Join via GoToMeeting

Meeting notes written by Gergely Sipos. If something is incomplete/incorrect, please email

- Nectar can facilitate the linkage of Bioplatforms Australia and ELIXIR
- Gergely will send to Glenn the recently published ELIXIR Competence Centre document about the technical work. Discuss joint infrastructure work after this. (Link to document

Human Brain
- EGI is working with them for a few months. They still use cloud providers in isolation (not federated access)
- HBP is moving now into AAI: Task is to integrate the HBP AAI with the EGI AAI
- Common tools in HBP and Australia (?)
    - Characterisation virtual laboratory
    - VIP platform
- Identify through the scietists who are the key players, and what they need in terms of international infrastructures
    * Neuro-imaging group at Monarch university have connections at several groups in the US. A: Glenn to ask them about
    * Note that in brain research/studies there are several sub-disciplines
    * Tiziana to collect info on upcoming funding opportunities   
- HBP expressed interest interest in getting data from China. Direct human contact would be needed with related professors in China to progress here
    * We don't have momre detailed contact info, so let's park this
    * China will start its own 'HBP' later this year
- There is a brain data (or similar) working group in RDA. 8th RDA meeting will be in September 11-16 in Denver. Co-locate a side meeting like this one with this RDA? Rob Quick will check possibility with organisers.

SKA, Astronomy:
- SKA is in design phase now
- Constricution is going to begin in 2019
- Recognition in SKA project that the infrastructure to extract sciecnce from the data is not budgeted
    * The project needs partners who can provide this - possibly in a tiered model, similar to LHC
    * The details for this are under discussion. A project proposal to do a design study on this was submitted to the EC at the end of March (ANAES)
             * Evaluation result expected in Aug.
            * CSIRO is the e-infra partner for SKA in Australia
            * 'All-hands' type meetings are planned every 6 months. This would give opportunity to get involved
            * Colin's priority for the next period is strengthen collaboration between SKA and e-infrastructure of South Africa. SKA members from SA are in the submitted proposal
    * Key technical areas of work:
            * Trust model and AAI
            * Operational processes and supporting tools for federated service management
    * Mircat (?) data transfer test activities will start in fall 2016, between NL and SA. Few PB to transfer from NL to SA, do processing locally, then push into local archive
Opportunity to engage with Asia:
- Co-locate a meeting with APAN42 (first week of August, Hong Kong):
- Simon Lin can help communities arrange relevant sessions
- China is member of SKA. (Taiwan probably isn't)

- First non-VOMS based VO in OSG
- OSG can make resources in the US for LIGO, IceCube-like communities from Europe
- Rob to lookup list of communities from OSG to ...

Compute Canada:
- Two major communities:
    * CANFAR: currently re-deveoping their platform. Hiring of more developers is ongoing
    * Brain/neuro-informatics: Funding will increase for this domain in the  future
- Can the EGI AAI service be adopted for Compute Canada? Nectar is also interested. Follow this up directly, and put into the agenda of our next meeting

- IceCube needs more GPGPUs. If other infrastructures could provide this then this would be a way to support this community at the intercontinental scale
(They use GPGPUs with Condor glide-in in OSG)


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Welcome and introduction Meeting room, ground floor

      Meeting room, ground floor

      Matrix I

      Science Park 140
      Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (
    • 2
      Updates on current and future collaboration opportunities meeting room (Matrix I (EGI building)) meeting room

      Matrix I (EGI building)

      Science Park 140, Amsterdam
      AREAS OF COLLABORATION 1. International research collaborations . SKA . ELIXIR . brain research . environmental science . LIGO . IceCube Neutrino Observatory . LSST ... 2. Exchange of existing operational services and user-facing services for economies of scale and avoid duplication 3. Technical support to international user communities (including the long tail) with the possibility of pooling resources provided by different e-Infrastructures. 4. Sharing of user-facing tools, scientific gateways, virtual laboratories. e-Infrastructures with technical support activities and/or funding programmes focused on developing of community platforms, would benefit from defining a common interoperability framework, so that community tools can be shared and reused across e-Infrastructures. 5. Support of open standards (with a focus on cloud). Are the e-Infrastructures providing IaaS cloud services interested in joining forces to support/develop/adopt cloud *open* standards to broaden their adoption? 6. Technical developments of common interest, e.g. support of different assurance levels in the current AAI infrastructures
    • 3
      Update on funding agencies' initiatives Meeting room, ground floor

      Meeting room, ground floor

      Matrix I

      Science Park 140
      Sep 2016. US, Australian and European funding agencies are working together to define multilateral funding programmes. Projects of common interest could be defined. This is an opportunity to increase coordination of funding agencies for common e-Infrastructure projects.
      Speaker: Colin Wright (Meraka Institute, CSIR)
    • 4
      Next steps Meeting room, ground floor

      Meeting room, ground floor

      Matrix I

      Science Park 140