

Matthew Viljoen (EGI.eu)
Meeting to track progress of the EPOS usecase involving EGI/EUDAT infrastructure.

Present - Daniele Bailo (DB), Alessandro Spinuso (AS), André Gemünd (AG),
Dejan Vitlacil (DV), Diego Scardaci (DS), Vincent Legoll (VL), Geneviève
Romier (GR), Matthew Viljoen (MV)

Much has progressed since the last meeting.  AG has installed upgraded the
test gUSE (with help from Zoltán Farkas) which allows the usecase testing
to continue.  

VL encountered a problem where newly launched VMs couldn't be assigned a
public IP as floating IP support is missing from gUse (however, it was
suggested that this could be useful for us and others - EGI could submit
this as a new feature request).  The way around this missing functionality
is to use a proxy DCI bridge - work setting this up is ongoing.  Once this
is done and basic workflow functionality can be demonstrated, AS will be
able to migrate scientific workflows for the next stage of testing.

-> AS and AG will send details of the missing floating IP functionality to
DS for EGI to consider submitting as a new feature request.

MV suggested that we can aim to present the demo of this usecase at the
next EGI conference (Kraków, 28-30 Sept '16).

AS and AG said that work is progressing to migrate the data management
system from EPCC Edinburgh to SCAI Fraunhofer (iRods version 3 to 4).  We
will need to consider this during configuration later on in the testing.

Ongoing work will continue to be tracked on trello [1], but all
present agreed that a monthly meeting is useful.  (Note: we will use
GoToMeeting.  This works using Chrome on Linux)

DONM: Thu 26 May at 14:00 CEST


[1] https://trello.com/b/Y3jsRrg3/computational-use-case-feat-misfit-calculation

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