David Kelsey
(STFC), Mr
Ian Neilson
08/09/2016, 09:00
Sven Gabriel
08/09/2016, 09:30
Barbara Krasovec
Ian Neilson
Sophie Ferry
08/09/2016, 09:50
Vincent Brillault
08/09/2016, 11:30
Vincent Brillault
08/09/2016, 12:00
Sven Gabriel
08/09/2016, 13:30
Ian Neilson
08/09/2016, 14:00
David Kelsey
08/09/2016, 14:40
Sven Gabriel
08/09/2016, 15:30
Boris Parak
Daniel Kouril
Enol Fernandez
(EGI.eu), Dr
Sven Gabriel
Vincent Brillault
VB (15 min + 15 min Discussion) Incident Response in FedCloud
-summary of Cloud incidents, what is working well, what not, what is missing
(30 min + Discussion) EGI Federated Cloud improvement plan (focus on security)
Sveng: RP Certification Procedure (15 min Presentation 15 min Discussion)
Discussion VM/User Management beyond OpenNebula (Boris)
Automated security checks done by CZ (Daniel)
Daniel Kouril
Ian Neilson
(STFC), Mr
Tobias Dussa
Vincent Brillault
Presentation - expectations of the officer on duty
(15 minutes presentation, 15 minutes discussions?)
Massticket-tool (as part of How to use the tools as Security Officer on Duty
Input from: (Daniel/Ian/Vincent/Toby)
Basic presentation on how to use mass ticket
Discuss on how to improve the template/make it simpler
15 minutes presentation, 30 minutes discussion?
Vincent Brillault
Debriefing for EGI-20160228-01
Less than 15 minutes, this is a simple incident
Debriefing for EGI-20160301-01
At least 15 minutes? Quite few complications. Output
interesting for Fedcloud part of the meeting
David Kelsey
15 min Presentation of the proposal draft send in on 7th Sept
Discussion, what can we add, what do we want to do, what are the priorities
Daniel Kouril
Update on RT-IR
Update on pakiti, security dashboard
How to use the tools as Security Officer on Duty
David Kelsey
Brief update of status of new/revised policies.
Policies to be updated in 2016.
Some word-smithing on one policy (if time?)