ELIXIR Competence Center meeting (teleconference)




ELIXIR CC meeting.


Virtual meeting in: https://connect.funet.fi/elixircc/

(The Adobe connect server of CSC)



1. Status reports from use cases.

     1. cBioPortal
     2. Marine metagenomics
     3. Insyght Comparative Genomics
     4. PhenoMeNal
     5. JetStream

2. DI4R Krakow

     - Elixir CC presentation in the DI4R (28.9.)


3. Other topics

      - Infrastructure status (AAI, cloud sites)

ELIXIR CC Monthly meeting
6.9. 2016

13:00 CET

Kimmo Mattila (Chair)
Kostas Koumantaros
Gergely Sipos
Bedri Mohamed



1. Updates from use cases

1.1 cBioPortal replication (Miroslav Ruda)
1.2 Marine metageniomics (Kimmo Mattila)

 - Sparc-cluster setup for OpenStack is being documeneted by MetaPIPE developers
 - Once firsts scripts become available tests with EGI Federated Cloud will be started
 - Elixit VO can be used for testing
 - Kostas can add GRNET resources to Elixir VO if needed

1.3 Insyght Comparative Genomics (Mohammed Airaj)
- Mohammed has just started working in this topic
- Isyght image has been converted in OpenStack format and tested locally
- to be added to AppDB and tested in EGI Federated Cloud

1.4 PhenoMeNal project

- EGI-Engage Intermediate report includes following update about PhenoMeNal:
"A version of Gophercloud (Go library to access OpenStack used in Terraform) modified to support EGI AAI is now available. This library will allow extending Terraform to be used directly on OpenStack resources federated in EGI as required by the PhenoMeNal project.

1.5 JetStream interoperability (Robert Quick)



2. DI4R Krakow

- Elixir CC presentation in the DI4R (28.9)

- Updated information about Elixir Compute Platform can be collected form Exelerate WP4 report



3. Other topics

Coming events:

- ELIXIR Technical Services Roadmap webinar 16.11. 2016

- ELIXIR All Hands 2017, Rome, Italy 21.3. 2017





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